Planetary Friendship in Vedic Astrology

Planetary Friendship in Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient Indian system of astrology that has been used for thousands of years. It is based on the idea that the positions and movements of celestial bodies – such as the sun, moon, and planets have an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

One of the key concepts in Vedic Astrology is that of planetary relationships. Each planet has a certain relationship with the other planets in the chart. Which can have an impact on the way that the chart functions overall. The Planetary Friendship in Vedic Astrology helps determine these relationships and their effects.

Understanding Planetary Friendship

So, what exactly is the Planetary Friendship Chart? Essentially, it is the relationships between the various planets in a person’s birth chart. The chart is divided into two main sections – the benefic planets and the malefic planets. Benefic planets are those that have a positive influence. Whereas the malefic planets are those that have a negative influence.

Within each of these sections, the planets are further divided into groups based on their relationships with each other. The first group is known as the friends of the planet. It includes those planets that are most compatible with the planet in question. The second group is the neutral planets. These planets do not have a particularly strong relationship one way or the other. Finally, there is the group of enemy planets. Which are those that are the least compatible with the planet in question.

So, why is the Planetary Friendship Chart important?

According to Vedic Astrology, the relationships between the planets in a chart can have a big impact on the overall functioning of the chart. For example, if two planets are friendly, they may work together in a more harmonious way, leading to positive outcomes for the person whose chart it is. On the other hand, if two planets are enemies, they may be more likely to clash or cause difficulties.

By using the Planetary Friendship Chart, an astrologer can get a better sense of how the various planets in a chart will interact with each other, and can make more accurate predictions about the person’s life and future. For example, if someone has a strong relationship between their Venus and Jupiter, which are both benefic planets, the astrologer might predict that the person will have a happy and prosperous life with many opportunities for love and abundance.

Planet and It’s relation with other planets

1. Sun

In Hindu mythology, the Sun is represented by the god Surya, who is the son of the sage Kashyapa and the goddess Aditi. Surya is the source of all life on earth, and represented by riding across the sky in his chariot. The Sun is friends with the Moon, Jupiter and Mars. Enemy or unfavourable relation with Saturn and Venus. While it has a neutral relation with Mercury.

2. Moon

In Hindu mythology, the Moon is represented by the god Chandra, who is the son of the sage Atri and the goddess Anasuya. Chandra is known for his beauty and his ability to control the tides, and is often depicted riding a chariot pulled by ten white horses. The Moon is friends with the Sun and Mercury. It does not harbour enemy relation with any planet. Thus is neutral with all the other planets.

3. Mars

Mars is represented by the god Mangal  who is the son of the god Vishnu and the earth goddess Bhumi. Mangala is known for his bravery and his love of battle, and is often depicted riding a ram or a chariot. Mars is friends with the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter. With Mercury it has an enemy relation. While being neutral to all the other planets.

4. Mercury

Mercury is friends with the Sun and Venus. In Hindu mythology, Mercury is represented by the god Budha, who is the son of the god Chandra(moon).  Mercury is known for his intelligence and his ability to communicate effectively, and is often depicted as a young man with a greenish complexion.

5. Jupiter

Jupiter is friends with the Sun, Moon, and Mars. In Hindu mythology, Jupiter is represented by the god Brihaspati, who is the son of the sage Angiras and the Surupa. Brihaspati is known for his wisdom and his ability to guide people towards righteousness, and is often depicted riding a chariot pulled by eight horses.


Venus is friends with the Mercury and Saturn. In Hindu mythology, Venus is represented by the goddess Shukra, who is the son of the sage Bhrigu . Shukra is known for his beauty and his ability to bring joy and pleasure to people’s lives, and is often depicted riding a white horse.

7. Saturn

Saturn is friends with Venus and Mercury. In Hindu mythology, Saturn is represented by the god Shani, who is the son of the god Surya and the goddess Chhaya. Shani is known for his strictness and his ability to mete out justice, and is often depicted as a dark-skinned man with a beard and a sword.

8. Rahu

Rahu is a natural malefic in Vedic astrology. It has enemy relation with planets of Sun, Mars and Moon. Friendly with Venus and Saturn. And neutral with Mercury and Jupiter. In Hindu mythology, Rahu is a shadow planet that causes eclipses and is often depicted as a snake with no body.

9. Ketu

Ketu is also a natural malefic in Vedic astrology. It has a friendly relation to Venus in Saturn. Enemy with Sun, Moon and Mars. While neutral with remaining planets Jupiter and Mercury. In Hindu mythology, Ketu is a shadow planet that causes obstacles and is often depicted as a demon with a headless body.

Here is an easy table you can refer to see the friendship or relationship between planets.

Planets Friend Enemy Neutral
Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Saturn, Venus Mercury
Moon Sun, Mercury None Rest of the planets
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Rest of the planets
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon Venus, Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Venus, Mercury Saturn
Venus Saturn, Mercury Rest of the planets Jupiter, Mars
Saturn Mercury, Venus Rest of the planets Jupiter
Rahu, Ketu Venus, Saturn Sun, Moon, Mars Jupiter, Mercury

Planet and Signs

Each planet transits through all zodiac signs. The result the planet may have on an individual varies depending on the Sign that planet was transiting at the time of their birth.

Planet and Own Sign

Now, some signs are own sign of planet. Meaning that the particular planet rules over the said sign, and is most powerful in the sign. For example, Sun rules over sign of Leo… so when Sun is in Leo at the time of birth in a person’s chart. Then the Sun will be beneficial.

Planet and Exalted Sign

There is a sign for each planet in which it gets exalted, again in this sign also planet will be stronger. For example Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer. So if Jupiter is in Cancer in an individual’s birth chart, then it will give good result of Jupiter.

Planet and Debilitated Sign

Lastly there is sign in which each planet gets debilitated. In such sign planet will be weak. For example, Venus gets debilitated in sign of Virgo. So if individual has Venus placed in Virgo in their birth chart. Venus will be weak and will not provide enough results.

Here is a table describing Planet and it’s own, exhalation and debilitation signs. 

Serial No. Planet Exalted Sign Debilitated Sign  Own Sign
1 Sun Aries Libra Leo
2 Moon Taurus Scorpio Cancer
3 Mars Capricorn Cancer Aries, Scorpio
4 Mercury Virgo Pisces Gemini, Virgo
5 Jupiter Cancer Capricorn Sagittarius, Pisces
6 Venus Pisces Virgo Taurus, Libra
7 Saturn Libra Aries Capricorn, Aquarius.
8 Rahu Sagittarius Gemini
9 Ketu Gemini Sagittarius

In conclusion, each planet has certain relationship with the other planets based on their mythology. The Planetary Friendship Chart in Vedic astrology can be a useful tool for understanding these relationships and their impact on our lives.

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