Cancer Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility From Linda Goodman’s Love Signs

Cancer Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility

Linda Goodman is renowned best selling astrologer who has written books on Astrology and in depth knowledge of Signs, which has redefined the way of Astrology. This post is based on Linda Goodman’s Book “A NEW APPROACH TO THE HUMAN HEART LINDA GOODMAN’S LOVE SIGNS” for the Love Compatibility of Cancer Man with  Virgo Woman.

Presently he noticed as an odd thing that it was undoubtedly out upon the lagoon with some definite purpose, for it was fighting the tide, and sometimes winning; and when it won, Peter, always sympathetic to the weaker side, could not help clapping. It was such a gallant piece of paper. It was not really a piece of paper. It was the Never bird, making desperate efforts to reach Peter…

He almost hates them. He really does. They’re cruel and unfeeling. The astronauts and the NASA. The whole space program trembled the Crab. But he never said a word to anyone about it. He nursed this awful sense of emptiness secretly, mostly because he didn’t quite know how to explain it to people who could never understand why he felt so strangely lost and lonely after the first Moon landing, his self-confidence smothered within the depths of an indefinable disappointment. The second time was even worse. He wept. When he was by himself, when no one would see. He carried his silent burden throughout all the months and years, unable to share it, because there was no one he could count on to offer the magnitude of sympathy he needed. Until she came along – the Virgin – and they fell in love.

Gradually, he grew to believe that she wouldn’t ridicule his secret if he shared it with her. She might even be able to help him lose his apprehensions, maybe point out to him a heretofore unsuspected happy ending to his NASA nightmares. After all, she’s so quiet and calm, like a secret herself, he thought. She’s so amazingly intelligent – for a woman. (Male Crabs are tinted with more than a tinge of chauvinism, and there’s no use expecting them to lose it completely until the image of “Mother” has gone through a complete metamorphosis, which could take more than a few score years.) Besides being so clever, he mused, so mentally quick, she’s tender and gentle, soothingly sympathetic – except for those few times when he has noticed her behaving like, well – a little like a virago. A bit cranky and critical. Detached and aloof. But he decided to overlook these rare moments. After all, isn’t he moody himself? Who can better understand than he that a person doesn’t always mean what a person says when a person is feeling out of sorts? So he gathers up his courage and pours it out into her dainty ears. His sad and scary secret. He confesses his terror, shivers and trembles, waits for consolation. JOY AND WONDER! She does sympathize! She does understand! She didn’t laugh at him; moreover, she does have an answer! And a very logical, sensible, practical answer too, surprisingly interwoven with a trace of the esoteric and mystical truth. He’s overcome with pure pleasure and delight. He made the right decision in telling her. What it was, you see – he’d been worried and concerned for some time about the Moon landings, for a perfectly rational reason. He’s a Cancerian, ruled by the Moon. Down through the ages, mythology and the ancients, the scribes and prophets and poets – not to mention astrologers and metaphysicians .. . have always pictured the Moon as the Lady of Mysteries (the biggest one being what the so-called Man in the Moon was doing there), weaving spells, possessing all the magic of Merlin, the very personification of the magnetic and the hypnotic. It filled him with awe and private longings each time he stared at her bursting into Fullness, then waning, becoming New and lemon-sliced, beckoning him with a wistful promise. He used to wish on the New Moon when he was a boy. Then along came nasty NASA and those blasted, nosy, astronauts, determined to shock his dreams, to expose his lovely Lunar ruler’s naked face and body in such a vulgar manner.

The magazines were full of their photographed profanity of his Lady of Loveliness. There she was, so pathetically vulnerable, pockmarked with craters, covered by dreary sand and boring rocks, with not a shimmer or a sparkle anywhere to be seen. No magic. No mystery. Just cold masses of dirt, miles of blank nothingness. It shattered his faith in himself, in a way he couldn’t analyze. His Virgo woman listened quietly, not interrupting as other women might, until he was quite finished. Then he glanced at her from the corner of his eye to see if she was amused. She was not. She understood perfectly. Her clear eyes reflected a full awareness of his feelings, an unmistakably genuine interest. She told him it was only logical for a Cancerian to emotionally resent such a rude and unexpected tarnishing of his image of his own ruler, with such mundane and prosaic descriptions. It was natural, she said, for people to strongly identify themselves with their personal ruling planets and Luminaries. She pointed out that an Aries man might experience the same loss of self-confidence if forced to listen to accounts of astronauts landing on Mars (ruler of Aries) and reporting back that the Fiery Red Star was populated by rows of Sweet Shoppes, quivering jellyfish and marshmallow trees. MARS? The great warrior, the brave and courageous! The fearless! JELLYFISH AND MARSHMALLOWS? (He giggled, feeling much better.) Then she confided in him that Mercury is only her foster ruler and mentioned her own secret feelings about her true ruler, Vulcan, soon-to-be-discovered. How she watches the sky, sometimes, and wonders…. She told him firmly that her personal opinion happened to be that the stories about the Moon’s magic and mystery are true. The ground walked upon by the astronauts was not reality. Did the rocks and craters make any change in the mystical and still-puzzling-to-scientists power of the Moon to pull the tides in and out, and affect all manner of things on Earth magnetically? No. It did not.

And what of Earth? Looking upon this planet from space, she analyzed, one might expect it to be a reasonably sparkling, exciting Star. But when one actually landed on the Earth’s surface and saw all the hot-dog stands, smog, pollution, TV sets, greed, cruelty, war, sugar pushers, the poor and the starving, the crimes and drugs and drunks and donuts and insecticides and billboards – the whole ugly mess of it – wouldn’t one also be disillusioned? (He nodded eagerly, waiting for her happy ending.) The Moon reflects the Sun, she told him. It is a reflector. It is unlike any other “star” or planet in the heavens, unique in this solar system. It is still strange and mystical, and possesses exactly the same powers as before. NASA hasn’t explained the Moon’s indisputable control over or synchronization with the movement of all water on Earth and all sealife. Even the opening and closing of oysters is precisely timed to the Lunar phases. The real truth of the Moon, she told him, doesn’t lie upon its surface, to be seen with the naked eye. The real truth can be seen only with the Third Eye and the heart, combined – by observing the Moon to be the absolute Cause of certain Effects. And perhaps the whole truth will be seen later. Then she asked him if he had ever thought that perhaps the Earth, which appears to be such a crazy carnival of noise and nonsense, might not have a strange power itself, which we’ve never guessed .. to change the destinies of entire galaxies? Finally, she ended by quoting to him her favorite truism from her Great Aunt Hester. “Believe only half of what you see,” warned Aunt Hester. “And nothing of what you hear.” Tomorrow, the Virgin said .. . she would give him a copy of St. Exupery’s The Little Prince, which she promised would clarify it all. (Most Virgos have read and are fond of The Little Prince. They are irresistibly drawn to anything with the word “little” in it.) Nearly always, a Virgo woman can somehow manage to make a boy Crab feel safe and warm and secure. As though everything is crisp and proper and behaving as it should in the world, and within his own orbit.

The way he felt as a child. When his mother told him to hush, it was all right. His nightmares were foolish and unreal. Tomorrow will be morning, and the world will still be spinning. Buckwheats for breakfast… and the newspaper delivered, as usual. The Virgo woman makes him feel cozy and comfy, like his old bathrobe with its soft, sagging pockets, hanging there beside his bed like a loyal friend. He senses her dependability, her sense of duty and her integrity. All very much like his own. Unless he meets her during a time when she’s pulled by Vulcan to stand on her head and run around in thrilling circles for a bit, to change the scene, throwing caution in the corner, where undue caution belongs. Then he may have cause to be nervous now and then. But the typical Virgin in the average situation, when she really loves her gentle Crab, will seldom if ever do anything to really hurt or alarm him. She’s so reassuringly predictable (barring those rare Vulcan experiments).


She will wish he would be equally predictable. Rocks, craters and all, the Moon continues to rule this man’s changing moods, laughter, tears, depressions, elation, pouting spells, jokes, compassion, sweetness, crankiness and just plain contrariness. Still, in her practical, common-sense way, the Virgo girl is able to cope rather efficiently with the Cancerian man’s wanderlust, periods of loneliness he can’t explain – the fears that make him occasionally stingy – the tender concern for others that turns him suddenly generous.

She doesn’t mind his cautious nature, for she’s cautious herself. She’ll also share his dislike for extravagance and waste – his sense of responsibility – and his delicious enjoyment of home life. She’ll cook for him, most likely, soon perceiving that he associates good food with emotional security, but she may not be too happy about it. (Unless she has a Cancer Moon Sign or Ascendent herself.) A few of their quarrels could spring from his crablike possessiveness. He may frown if she wants to work or pursue a career, unless her desk is next to his, or they go into business together. He’s Cardinal, she’s Mutable, and so she’ll accept with good grace his tendency to want to make most of the rules and to walk a few steps ahead – if he doesn’t overdo it. He’s a leader (even if secretly) and she’s a communicator. Therefore, she feels no overwhelming need to demand a showy kind of independence for herself, but neither will she stand for her personal freedom to be smothered. He can boss her around, gallantly, and with old-fashioned charm (as he does others, male or female), and she won’t be insulted or make a big fuss over it.

However, she’ll follow up only on suggestions that please her. If they do not please her, she’ll frankly tell him so, and proceed to do things her own way. Courteously (like him) but quite determinedly. Sexually, these two are well mated. With the peaceful affinity of Earth and Water Signs, they melt into each other’s arms, hearts and bodies very naturally. To others, the Virgo woman may project a degree of unresponsiveness. But the great sentimentality and sensitivity of the Cancerian man allows him to discover her latent pools of passion. He’s often able to cause her to bloom with her own special kind of sentiment, which is pure and fine, like crystal, lacking the heaviness of extreme emotionalism. She may surprise herself then, with a depth of sensitive feelings she never suspected she possessed. Her basic nature may be cool and reserved (especially with strangers), but when she’s been stirred inwardly by Vulcan, this woman is more than capable of fulfilling the Lunar man’s strong need for both sensuality and affection in lovemaking. She’ll respond instinctively to the tenderness and gentleness that are inseparable parts of every Cancerian male. They both approach passion with a respect for its deeper implications and potential. Sexual union is not something either of them normally views as casual or frivolous (barring severe planetary afflictions in their individual birth charts). Despite his emotional vulnerability and sentimentality (which he hides with practiced success beneath his tough, outer shell), the Crab possesses a steady, watchful intelligence. He’s a shrewd business person, and an excellent strategist regarding all forms of human relationships. She’ll make it clear that she admires all these qualities. A Virgin cannot love a man who hasn’t won her respect, and the Crab will probably do this from the beginning. However, should he be one of the insecure Cancerians who “babys” his groundless fears by turning to drugs, alcohol, daydreaming or

procrastination, she’ll be extremely annoyed, and she’ll soon make her displeasure felt in unmistakable small ways. Like nagging. Polite nagging, but nonetheless, nagging. Little reminders. Tiny frowns. Pouting. A martyrlike resignation. Or she’ll just skip off when he least expects it to begin a new life alone, with barely a trace of emotion, once she’s decided to leave. (Virgos don’t look upon excessive emotion as either sensible or practical.) Because of his extreme sensitivity to hurt – and her natural inclination to criticize – there are dangers inherent in this relationship. But none that can’t be overcome by simply being recognized in time, and avoided. He’s perceptive enough to sense them. She’s analytical enough to detect them. So they really have no excuse for allowing things to go too far.


Her eyes (like the eyes of all Virgos and Geminis, thanks to Mercury’s silver gift) are noticeably clear, sparkling with intelligence. Her features, in some indefinable way, are delicate and virginal. Except when her brow is clouded with problems or creased with worry-wrinkles, her expression is sweetly placid. And so .. when she’s bathed in moonlight, lying in his arms, the Crab may, for a moment, imagine her to be his lost Lady of the Mysteries, the misty Moon goddess of his haunted dreams. Once she feels safe with a man, a Virgo girl is transformed into a symphony of fragile femininity. After all, she was born under a feminine Sun Sign, secretly ruled by the powerfully feminine Vulcan. Her crisp self-containment and faint air of aloofness mask her softness, but it’s there waiting for the patient and persistent devotion of the Cancerian man to warm it into singing. Even should the Virgin and the Crab part company, the strong karmic tug of their 3-11 vibration will nearly always guide them to unexpectedly cross each other’s paths again, in ultimate friendship and forgiveness.

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