Leo Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility From Linda Goodman’s Love Signs

Leo Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility

Linda Goodman is renowned best selling astrologer who has written books on Astrology and in depth knowledge of Signs, which has redefined the way of Astrology.

This post is based on Linda Goodman’s Book “A NEW APPROACH TO THE HUMAN HEART LINDA GOODMAN’S LOVE SIGNS” for the Love Compatibility of Leo woman with Aquarius man.

Peter had continued, for a little time to play gaily
on his pipes; no doubt a rather forlorn attempt to prove to
himself that he did not care. Then he decided not to take
his medicine, so as to grieve Wendy. Then he lay down on
the bed outside the coverlet, to vex her still more 

In the beginning, she felt herself drawn to him like a bar magnet being propelled by jet speed. Somehow, the Water Bearer seemed to almost literally pull her into the depths of his dreamy eyes, as though she were a wisp of a cloud, disappearing into the space of his expression. Being a Lioness, naturally she resisted. But it was no use. She felt borne aloft by the gentle breezes of his Air Element charisma, lulled by the soothing music of his bagpipes. (To the rest of us, bagpipes may sound a little shrill and squeaky, but they’re soothing if you’re a Leo, because they remind you of the changing-of-the-guards, coronation parades and all that.)

For a while, all was pinkness and peacocks, lovely beyond lovely. He behaved like a veritable saint. Sometimes, she was positive she could even see his halo, but it appeared to be such an odd shape. (It was his aura, and all Uranus auras are oddly shaped. They resemble an inverted pyramid with a lightning bolt tracing the three planes that make up the triangular sides. Unusual. So are the colors. A sort of electric blue, flashed with streaks of black thunder and sparkling white conceptuals.)

Strangely, nearly the very same thing happened to him in the beginning. He felt compelled to walk barefoot on her velvet purple train, kiss the diamonds on her tiara. He was repeatedly levitated several feet by the perfumed songs of her absolutely gorgeous nose. Her very languidness calmed his restless toes and ears – while her perfect poise left him speechless and vibrating, by turns. He too, was from time to time, certain he could see with his Third Eye her own glowing, golden-red halo. (It was her aura, shaped like the Sun, brilliant and blinding, holding him spellbound and mesmerized.) She behaved like the Queen of all angels. She purred like a kitten and hummed like a hummingbird. She smiled like a tawny Cheshire cat and grinned like his favorite quetzal. She was a breath of Heaven, flaming with passion, yet as cool as a lemon popsicle from Barney’s Deli in Yonkers.

Suddenly, the sky turned grey, and Rip Van Winkle began knocking around tenpins like a drunken sailor. Heat lightning. Thunder claps. Great Niagaras of flooding waters that would have made Noah himself give up the ship came pouring forth from his Uranus jug, while his Air essence whipped up a tornado and her Fire Element blazed like the burning of Pompeii. In short, the windy, scorched and soggy season of romance arrived. He became stuffy, stodgy, stingy and sarcastic. She became rude, regal, raging and resentful. He decided she was a bore and she decided he was a boor. It was all so sad. What happened?

What happened was that their polarities got tangled and twisted. Leo and Aquarius are opposed on the karmic wheel of Life. They are polarized personalities, these two, influenced by the at-first magnetic, then repelling 7-7 Sun Sign Pattern. But opposites attract, when the sexes are also opposite – and that’s the whole point of the mating marathon – opposition. At least, that’s what most people believe it is. But they are wrong. The true goal of love and mating and matching auras is not to remain forever opposed in attitudes and desires, but to blend the opposing forces into a smooth harmony, to combine the best of each and either discard or dilute the worst, so as to remove the power of negative traits to torment their relationship. In plain words, she should not envy him but try to imitate the characteristics he possesses which she lacks and would benefit by absorbing. Likewise, he should realize that she contains certain graces that would bless his own personality if he would try a little harder to acquire them. That’s what opposition means – it doesn’t mean opposing. It means blending into bliss. But there’s always the danger that the Lioness and her Water Bearer may lose all the potential excitement and inspirational promise of their love affair or marriage by continually attempting to top each other at every step along the way. Give-and-take is the answer. Not too much give and not too much take. Just the right amount of submission and command mixed, even in an unpredictable Aquarian test tube, emerges as an elixir called Equality. Equality of the sexes – and of the queenly Lioness and her Rip Van Winklish Aquarian lover or husband.

Most Lionesses keep their distance from Aquarian females, but a Leo girl can be inexplicably attracted by an Aquarian man. He accepts Life and people as effortlessly as she’d like to (and pretends to) but somehow can’t quite manage to completely accomplish. Secretly, she’s aware that her false pride too often imprisons her true inner warmth, and she sometimes wishes she could unbend and just drown in daisies of delight, without caring what anyone thinks of her – as he does. He makes her want to literally let her hair down and run with him through starry meadows in both an imaginary and an actual sense. She envies him his freedom of expression, his ability to be detached and unemotional. Her own passions, although usually under control, sometimes have a way of ruling her reason, to her later regret. How does he stay so cool and untouched by tragedy and disappointment? Perhaps if she became a part of him, she would understand his magic and be able to be more like him.


The Aquarian male has always been puzzled that he can’t seem to count on Leo men as his friends (except maybe a couple of rare Lions, whose Moon Signs are in beneficent aspect with his natal Sun). Yet here is the intriguing contradiction of this Leo woman, this proud and aloof feline creature who has caused him to wonder if there might not be more to human contact than mere intellectual communication alone. Despite himself, she made him wonder about love, to decide he might have been wrong to dismiss emotions as “kid stuff,” not worth a grown man’s involvement. Eventually, he felt irresistibly urged to become as much a part of her as Nature will allow, and this was a new experience

for his heart, not to mention his body. He doesn’t understand – but since it’s a mystery, he’s certainly not going to permit it to remain unsolved. The detective instinct in him (along with other more primal instincts) makes him determined to find the answer to this lady’s alluring spell over him. The most sensible way to begin, he finally sighs and admits to himself, is to possess her in the way all those sentimental people are always saying is so joyous, so incredible, so explosive and fulfilling.

So he did. And it was. Joyous. Incredible. Explosive. Fulfilling. The sentimentalists were right. Amazing. Of course he didn’t possess her the first moment he decided to do so. She is, after all, a Leo, and a Lioness does not surrender herself until the man she loves proves his adoration in countless ways over a reasonable period of time. Still, when she at last chose to knight him with the warm gift of her whole love and her whole being, their sexual pleasure was exquisite.

Often, an Aquarian man is more demonstrative and affectionate with a Leo woman than anyone, even he, would ever have believed possible. Just as the Lioness often discovers she can enjoy lovemaking with the Aquarian man who has captured her heart without regally holding back some part of herself, lest she might be thought undignified, thereby causing her to lose the self-respect she needs to retain her identity in her own eyes, let alone in the eyes of the world. She senses this man won’t ridicule her or look down on her if she is honestly herself with him during their intimacies. And so their physical Oneness can be a strong tie between them, drawing them back into each other after they’ve quarreled, over and over again. Mutual desire, when it is deep and insistent enough, is a powerful healer of trivial hurts and frustrations.

However, although a happy sexual compatibility is a beautiful facet of love between any man and woman, sex alone is not enough to guarantee enduring happiness. These two will have to compromise and make adjustments in other areas of their togetherness, or her original passion will slowly freeze into ice and his original tender and spontaneous response to her warmth and sunny disposition will revert to his typical Uranus kind of dreamy disinterest.

A Leo woman absolutely must be periodically complimented, be made to know she’s treasured by the man she loves. A Lioness who is starved for admiration and appreciation is as pathetic (and finally as dangerous) as a Nature lioness who’s hungry for food. Hunger is hunger, and it can make people behave in strange ways. The Aquarian man’s natural tendency is to make the woman he’s crazily in love with play a guessing game. He hints. He suggests. He invites her inside his mind (a place where most people find a Do Not Enter sign) and he thinks this should convince her she’s very important to him – that he needs her more than he can express. But it won’t work. She doesn’t like guessing games.

She becomes impatient with subtlety, because she’s so direct and outgoing herself. He may indeed need her more than he can express, but he’s going to have to learn to express it if he wants to keep her. It won’t be easy, because compliments and flattery are usually difficult for the typical Aquarian man to master. He feels uneasy expressing his deepest feelings and emotions in words. He’s more comfortable making them into a joke or a limerick. It’s possible he may

write her a poem or a song, but a direct personal statement of a romantic declaration embarrasses him – sometimes painfully. She’ll have to try a little harder to realize that this man, in his own unpredictable, eccentric way, is a special human being. He doesn’t give his love away casually. The very fact that he said “I love you” even once should make her know he’s serious about their relationship. She shouldn’t try to make him repeat what he considers meaningless declarations as proof of the reality of his longings. To him, once a thing has been said, it stands – until it’s retracted. To repeat a statement, an action, an idea – or anything at all – seems like a terrible waste of time to this man, whose mind is always on what’s ahead, not what lies behind. As when his mother tried to force him to say “thank you” and “please” and “you’re welcome” a hundred times a day. He found that nonsense.

There are other ways a person can show gratitude and courtesy. He learned that hypocritical people who pay lip service to social or romantic custom are the very ones who break what he considers to be the basic rules of decency and kindness, honesty and loyalty – and he hates hypocrisy with every fiber of his being. He may try to tell her this some midnight or midday. Lying beside her in bed – or crossing a busy street, holding hands, at noon. It will just pop into his head, so he’ll say it. “You know,” he’ll tell her gently, quietly, “it’s not what people say that matters. It’s what people do that matters.” Then he’ll flash her one of his Uranian looks of deep penetration that seems to sear into her soul. If she’s as wise as the Sun-ruled are capable of being, she’ll smile back at him with her eyes, simply say, “I know” – and never, ever forget that timeless moment when he tried so hard to make her see, to understand. Because he’ll probably never repeat it. Aquarians bare their souls to you only rarely, but for an instant. If you’re too busy or too full of self-pity to really listen, the moment will be gone forever.


A person may choose a dog for a pet (or even a squirrel or a gerbil, for that
matter) and the animal will be touchingly grateful to have been adopted and
given a home. But you know what they say about cats. No one “chooses” a cat as a pet. A cat chooses her own owner. And only after she’s decided you’re worth honoring with her presence. She’ll expect you to be properly pleased, to cherish her and pat her on the head frequently – if you want her to stay around and purr for you, to adorn your house. The Water Bearer should note that his Lioness has similar notions.

As for any doubts the Leo woman may have concerning the basic stability of her unpredictable, eccentric and unconventional Aquarian man – well, he may be a little crazy, but that’s what keeps him from going insane in a world that’s really off the wall. When she thinks about it for a while, she’ll understand. And her sunny smile will return. Just in time. He was freezing out there all by himself, without her. But he would never have let her know. He would simply have turned and walked away, bravely whistling a lonesome song, pretending it didn’t matter. Later, he would have wondered why she called him absentminded because he could never remember to bring her a gift on her birthday or their anniversary. She’s the one who forgot… that he once told her he loved her.

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