Taurus Man and Libra Woman Compatibility From Linda Goodman’s Love Signs

Taurus Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

Linda Goodman is renowned best selling astrologer who has written books on Astrology and in depth knowledge of Signs, which has redefined the way of Astrology.

This post is based on Linda Goodman’s Book “A NEW APPROACH TO THE HUMAN HEART LINDA GOODMAN’S LOVE SIGNS” for the Love Compatibility of Taurus Man with  Libra Woman.

However, John continued to sleep so placidly on the floor,
that she allowed him to remain there. “And I know you
meant to be kind,” she said, relenting. “So you may give
me a kiss.”

A Libra woman is unpredictable. You never know how she’s going to manage to get her own way. All you can be sure of is that she’ll get it.
“What?” you’ll exclaim. “A sweet, feminine girl like her is bossy?” Yes. A sweet, feminine girl like her is bossy. But that doesn’t mean she has to advertise the fact by having it stamped on her bikini – “Bossy.” (Someone might think she’s a female Bull.) The Libra woman is ruled by Venus, the gentle planet of peace and love and beauty and harmony – all those delicious things.

A Taurus man is ruled by Venus too. But Taurus is a feminine sign. And Libra is a masculine sign. That doesn’t make her a tomboy, anymore than it makes him a sissy (the Bull a sissy? ). It has deeper implications. It’s always easier for a man to be born under a masculine sign, and for a woman to be born under a feminine sign. It makes doing what comes naturally – more natural. However, it isn’t necessarily unfortunate the other way around. Usually, a masculine vibration only makes a girl more spunky – and a feminine vibration only makes a man more sensitive. There’s nothing wrong with the sexes trading a few virtues back and forth. The danger lies in overdoing it. These two probably will not.
They may underdo it.

Of all men born under a feminine Sun Sign, the Bull is less likely to overdo the feminine qualities of passivity, acquiescence, submission, and so forth. It simply keeps his virility and stubbornness balanced by sweetness and tenderness, if he doesn’t overemphasize the caveman bit. The Libra girl will have a little more trouble with the sexual balancing act. After all, she’s symbolized by the Scales, and scales have a delicate mechanism of adjustment. Her innate sense of fairness and impartial judgment, plus her masculine Sun Sign vibes, may lead her to announce: “Darling, I’m joining a women’s lib group. We’re going to picket the White House.”

His innate sense of conventional behavior, plus his respect for authority and firm convictions about a female’s function in life, may lead him to answer: “You make a fool of yourself in front of the President, and I’ll liberate you by chaining you to the bed until you get some sense, woman.” Under that kind of dictatorial attitude, Venus di Milo can turn into Stonewall Jackson, as her Scales dip precariously from feminine to masculine.

A Libra girl nearly always is beautiful. Even if her features are plain, her absolutely stunning smile makes you think she’s beautiful. She has dimples, her eyes are soft, her voice is clear and lovely, her manners are graceful. She lets you pull out her chair, hold open her door, and carry her packages with an air of appealing helplessness. Outwardly, she’s an angel of femininity. Inwardly, she’s driven by the masculine principles of her Cardinal Sign of Leadership: force – strength – courage – positive action – penetration – conquer and dominate. She can manage her own career, and she’s adept at getting everything she wants out of life – or from a man. It doesn’t mean she’s invulnerable to hurt, but she wears a tougher suit of armour to protect her from it than her manner might suggest and she recuperates quickly.


Taurus recuperates slowly from a broken heart. All the more reason for him to be sure he knows the rules before he plays any romantic games with a Libra female. The Bull makes decisions only after careful consideration. He doesn’t like to discuss a situation until it’s already settled in his mind. Then he acts with deliberation and seldom changes his opinion. She acts with equal deliberation and also seldom changes her opinion. Once she’s made up her mind, she carries through with incredible energy and purpose. So she can’t understand why people unjustly accuse her of being indecisive. What gives her such an unfair reputation is the period of weighing and balancing she goes through before she finally makes up her mind. With Taurus, the decision-making period is sensibly utilized for silent contemplation. With Libra, it’s intellectually utilized for lengthy discussions of pro and con that can last far into the night. She may have occasion to resent his lack of enthusiasm in contributing to the talkathon.

HER: I’m for legalized abortion .. . I think. Do you believe anyone has the right
to tell a woman what to do with her own body?
HIM: I never thought about it. Nobody ever tried to tell me what to do with my body.
HER: Well, think about it. What would you do if someone raped you, and then you found out you were pregnant?
HIM: (yawning) I’d change my name from Earl to Gladys.
HER: Please be serious, sweetheart. Do you believe the Catholic Church should be allowed to lobby against legal abortion, and claim it’s murder?
HIM: According to both the Bible and the Constitution, they should.
HER: Maybe you’re right. On the other hand, what about the population explosion?
HIM: (yawning again) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That’s what my grandmother used to say.
HER: That’s true. An abortion can create emotional scars in both the woman and the man. Metaphysically speaking, a soul shouldn’t be denied its channel of birth. Still, when you look at the other side, if a girl is unmarried, and her parents won’t help her
HIM: SO she calls a home for unwed mothers. Say, listen, are you pregnant?
HER: Ah! That’s just the point. Do those homes influence the girl in her decision about adoption – as opposed to abortion – as opposed to keeping
her baby? It certainly isn’t fair if Earl? Earl!
HIM: ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-z-z-z-zzzzzzzzzzzz

She shouldn’t judge him too harshly. He tried. But as soon as he satisfied himself that the problem under discussion wasn’t his personal concern, he lost interest. She could awaken him very easily, by turning out the lights, and giving him a silent message about a subject that does affect him, intimately – making love. Just because she failed to arouse him into passionate verbal declarations and opinions doesn’t mean she won’t be able to arouse him physically. A Bull can always be led into becoming passionate about passion.

The physical magnetism between this man and woman is often very powerful, probably the basis for the initial attraction – and familiarity will seldom breed contempt. It will more likely add depth to the sexual expression of their love. Her approach may be a few shades too abstract for his sensual, earthy needs. Yet, they are both sentimental romanticists who understand how to blend eroticism with affection to achieve total fulfillment together. This is a 6-8 Sun Sign Pattern stressing sexual curiosity and satisfaction – and also emphasizing unselfish devotion and service.

Undeniably, the Taurus man is often a great blessing to the Libra woman. His very presence soothes her restless spirit. And no one can more solidly and dependably guide her through those Libran moments of sometimes agonizing indecision more comfortingly than the Bull. His warmness and humor – his reliability and common sense – are often just the qualities she’s been searching for out there among the clouds. After all, even the birds rest in the trees now and then… and build their nests there, where they feel safe and secure . . . however much they may enjoy flying.


Another rather lovely thing about these two is that her natural Pollyanna optimism can act as a beautiful balance for the Bull’s natural tendency toward pessimism. No one can cheer up a Taurus man, when he’s down in the dumps of depression, as effortlessly as this charming lady. He could balk, if she tries to drag him into her social whirl, or expects him to blow up the printed balloons she carries in the protest parades. But he’ll be a lovable Teddy Bear when she wheedles him with her wide smile and coaxes him with her maple-sugar voice. He privately admires her intelligence, as long as she acknowledges the fact of masculine superiority. It’s a rare Bull who truly believes, in his heart, that men and women are equal in all ways. A Taurus man will be proud of the way his Libra lady manages things so smoothly. The trick is to keep him from discovering that her real talent lies in managing him.

TAURUS: I suppose you’re thinking I need a shave. Well, I just got back from a three-day camping trip, you know, and I
LIBRA: Sweetheart, I think it’s a perfectly marvelous idea! Why didn’t you tell me you had decided to grow a beard?
TAURUS: A beard? And look like some freaked-out hippie? Me? You’ve lost your senses, woman. Never!
LIBRA: Other men might. But you’d look like one of the apostles. How long will it take to grow it completely?
TAURUS: I was just getting ready to sha… uh, well, it might take a few weeks, I guess. One of the apostles, huh?
LIBRA: I think Matthew. Or maybe Mark. When did you decide to do it, darling?
TAURUS: Oh, you know how it is, sitting around in the woods, by the campfire.
Somehow, it gives you a different perspective on things … .

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