Zodiac Sign of Hulk / Bruce Banner

Bruce Banner the scientist who has seven Ph.D.s and vast knowledge in the field of gamma radiation.

Bruce was exposed to Gamma in a failed experiement, that made him transform into a complete different personality of HULK. A green monster as bruce calls him, is reckless, likes to smash things and is uncontrollable. Where as Bruce is more calm, smart and visionary(who likes to be prepared for all threats)to an extent that along with Tony he has prepared a Hulk buster suit to combat Hulk, if he ever goes out of control.

Bruce is like calm yet controlling parent and hulk is like a teenager who wouldn’t listen to anyone. The only thing that they share is Emotion. Their Love for Betty rose or Natasha, The rage, the feels they both share it equally.

Being born on December 18 makes Bruce a Sagittarius. Looking at personalities of Bruce and Hulk.. Bruce comes across as Pisces who supresses Emotions and Hulk an Aries who is uncontrollable when the rage hits.

What is your Pick? What sign do they belongs to?

  1. What sign you think Bruce Banner is of?

    1. ARIES
    2. TAURUS
    3. GEMINI
    4. CANCER
    5. LEO
    6. VIRGO
    7. LIBRA
    8. SCORPIO
    11. AQUARIUS
    12. PISCES
    134 votes
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  1. What sign you think Hulk is of?

    1. ARIES
    2. TAURUS
    3. GEMINI
    4. CANCER
    5. LEO
    6. VIRGO
    7. LIBRA
    8. SCORPIO
    11. AQUARIUS
    12. PISCES
    113 votes
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